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WHAT CLients ARE SAYING about Arctic

CARLA, Patient
For years I have gone to National Pain & Spine Centers and other chiropractors on a monthly basis for lower back injections due to severe pain and would get temporary relief. 3 visits with Dr. Schreffler and I have no more pain. OMG I am so happy and can't believe it. I am even able to get off the sofa and stand up straight which I had a hard time doing as well. I highly recommend Dr. Schreffler!

JUSTIN, Owner - Underground Athlete
It's great to have a place I can refer with confidence that they're getting proper treatment. I try to take a comprehensive approach to building these people's bodies from the ground up and in my eyes, that means getting rid of restrictions, asymmetries, and imbalances before lots of load and stress...thanks again for providing a valuable service and being great at what you do.

ANNA, Patient
Amanda introduced me to Dr. Keith Schreffler nearly a year ago for treating my hip pain, and it is to the benefit of patients that they are working together. He, too, practices what he preaches about patient-centered care. I really appreciate his holistic approach to treating my pain and his patient, steady, and reassuring manner. He's not a "crack and crunch", one size fits all type of chiropractor; his treatment for me focuses on mobilizing and strengthening. I especially appreciate that he listens to my treatment goals and keeps those at the forefront of my treatment plan.In terms of the logistics of working with them, they are both punctual, have easy scheduling tools that send ample reminders, and their office is easy to get to via metro.